Carers Leeds Events Calendar

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The Carers UK survey ‘In Sickness and in Health’ highlights the risks of missing medical checkups and screenings as having a damaging effect on us all.
Carers are a high risk group as the survey found that two out of five carers put off medical treatment because of caring responsibilities. Looking after yourself when caring for somebody is no easy task.

In Leeds rates of cancer and heart disease in the population are higher than the rest of England. As a city we have a very poor uptake of health screening tests and the lockdown has resulted in reduced numbers of people going to GP with cancer symptoms. Evidence is clear that the earlier that cancer is diagnosed the easier it is to treat and the better the outcomes for the patient and their family.

Join Darren and Megan from the Leeds Cancer Screening Program for an informal session to learn more about early cancer detection through recognising signs/symptoms and making use of the screening services that are available.

After a previous session one carer told us “I am so glad that I was here today. I had always self-checked, but wasn’t sure I was doing it properly. Today I have learned that I wasn’t! And now have the proper techniques. I feel much
more confident.”

These interactive sessions are an interesting and light hearted way of tackling a serious issue that can affect us all.

This event is accessed over the internet via Zoom. To take part you will need access to a computer, smart phone or tablet.

To join this event visit and add the following details: Meeting ID: 886 5553 6991 and Password: 7YtNSc. For more information please contact Jo Foster, our carers good health worker on

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