Carers Leeds Events Calendar

Time for Us Care – How to look after your Eyes

Carers Leeds 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

How to look after your Eyes. Ray White, a local optometrist, will be coming to visit the café and will

Group Discussion – Me and My Medicines

Carers Leeds 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Let’s get together and talk about the people you care for and your experience with medication. Help Health Education England

Recovery Group

The Vale Circles 12 Tunstall Road, Leeds, United Kingdom

Supporting someone with #mentalhealth need can be stressful for both the cared-for and the #carer. This group based in #Beeston,

Carer Dementia Education

Leeds Church Institute 20 New Market Street, Leeds

This free 8-session course has been designed to build knowledge, coping skills and support, and will provide support for those


Health and nutrition workshop

Carers Leeds 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Do you feel like you could be eating more healthily but don’t have the time, energy or ideas? Maybe you already have a pretty healthy diet

Time for Us Café: Local leisure centres

Carers Leeds 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

At this months Time for Us Café, we'll be joined by a member of staff from Leeds City Council who will talk


Male carer trip: Golden Acre park

Golden Acre Park Otley Rd, Bramhope, Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom

If you are a male carer why not meet with other men who are looking to take a break from caring responsibilities


Womens health discussion

Carers Leeds 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Have your say about the future of services for women in Leeds. It is an exciting time in Leeds for

Community pharmacists supporting carers

Carers Leeds 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Have you ever wondered what your pharmacist does apart from hand over the items on your prescription? Pharmacists are highly trained



Tell us about your health

Carers Leeds 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Research shows that 72% of carers in the UK said they had suffered mental ill health and 61% said they had suffered physical ill health as a result of caring (Carers


First aid session

Carers Leeds 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Do you want a better understanding of first aid? This free session is open to all carers and provided by British Red


Information session: First aid

Carers Leeds 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Do you want a better understanding of first aid? Open to all carers and provided by British Red Cross, this
