Carers Leeds Events Calendar

Parent carer coffee morning

Carers Leeds 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Do you care for a child or young person with additional needs, health condition or disability? Join our parent carer


Parent carer coffee morning

Carers Leeds 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Do you care for a child or young person with additional needs, health condition or disability? Join our parent carer


Parent carer coffee morning

Carers Leeds 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Do you care for a child or young person with additional needs, health condition or disability? Join our parent carer


Parent carer coffee morning

Carers Leeds 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Do you care for a child or young person with additional needs, health condition or disability? Join our parent carer


Seasonal de-stress drop-in

Carers Leeds 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Open to all carers who wish to take a moment away from this hectic time of the year. Carers can relax with a


International Women’s Day cafe

Carers Leeds 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Join us on the eve of International Women’s Day to celebrate the important work women do in the world of


Young adult carer group

Carers aged 16 – 25 are invited to join us at this YAC group for a fun-packed day of activities.



Wellbeing massage for carers

Carers Leeds 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Wellbeing massages are designed to give health benefits guaranteed to melt away your stress and tension. Carers can choose from


Time for us café: Chair yoga

Carers Leeds 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Carers are invited to join us for a relaxing session of chair yoga with instructor Jenny, followed by a social


Supper club

Carers Leeds 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

The Carers Leeds supper club is a chance to relax, enjoy a meal in the company of new friends, sharing


Time for us café: Tai Chi

Carers Leeds 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Time for us is a popular monthly carers group. Come take a break from your caring role, try something new,


Coffee and mince pie

John Lewis Community Hub 4th Floor, John Lewis, 45 Victoria Gate, Harewood St, , Leeds

Carers are welcome to join us to take a well deserved time out. Meet with Carers Leeds staff and other
