Carers Leeds Events Calendar

Young dementia carer support group

Online Leeds, United Kingdom

This friendly and informal online group is for family members or friends who look after someone aged under 65 with


Dementia carer support group

Online Leeds, United Kingdom

If you are looking after someone living with dementia, we’d like to invite you to join this carer support group.


Creative drama wellbeing workshop

Online Leeds, United Kingdom

We recently hosted a creative drama wellbeing session for carers and would like to invite you to join another exciting



Dementia information sessions

Online Leeds, United Kingdom

Are you caring for a family member or friend with dementia? You are invited to join these useful free online workshops.



Neurodiverse/Autism carers Groups

Carers Leeds 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Do you look after an adult who is nerodiverse or has autism? We would like to invite you to this

Dementia workshop

Carers Leeds 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Are you looking after a family member or friend with dementia? Join this series of free workshops to help you


Self care with Linda Sage

Online Leeds, United Kingdom

Join local author Linda to look at self care, share tips with other carers, join discussions and exercises to plan


Building emotional resilience

Online Leeds, United Kingdom

Linda Sage joins us for a second workshop, this time looking at building our reliance to manage stressful events. This


My mental health

Online Leeds, United Kingdom

Join experienced mental health worker Elaine to learn more about coping with your mental health and learn to spot stress,
