Volunteering with Carers Leeds

Our volunteers are at the heart of all that we do. We think volunteers are brilliant! Our fantastic team are a talented bunch and work across our organisation on a variety of projects. We value the contribution of every volunteer and believe in treating our volunteers like the superstars they are.

We are proud to have a thorough recruitment, induction and support programme for new volunteers and celebrate their commitment with regular events and social gatherings. Every year we ask them for feedback and the results show that our volunteers appreciate us as much as we appreciate them! Take a look at last year’s results here.

For an informal chat about volunteering, call Valerie Banks, Volunteer Coordinator on 0113 246 8338 or e-mail valerie.banks@carersleeds.org.uk. For details on the range of volunteering roles we have available, please see below.

Carers Leeds celebrates diversity and is an Equal Opportunities organisation, we welcome applications from all sections of the community, particularly BME and LGTBQ communities and/or people with disabilities.

Volunteer roles with Carers Leeds

  • Advice Service Referral Assistant
  • Befriender
  • Carers Book group organiser
  • Carers Groups Admin Assistant
  • Digital Inclusion Befriender
  • Microvolunteering
  • Receptionist
  • Support Group Assistant
  • Telephone Evaluation Service Caller
  • Time for Carers Panel Member
  • Training Assistant
  • Volunteer Programme Assistant

If the role you are interested in does not currently show a vacancy, please keep checking this page as we cannot accept enquiries for filled roles at this time. However, if you have a particular skill or talent that you would like to share with us, please get in touch with Valerie to see if we can use it.

Recent feedback from our volunteers

“It’s the first time I have done something unpaid, it’s an enriching experience that’s showing me different aspects of other people’s lives”

“I can’t tell you what a huge benefit it has been to me personally – they are such a fantastic organisation”

“I’m a new volunteer, only been volunteering for a week, and I found out through an event with another voluntary organisation, the more I found out about Carers Leeds the more I wanted to volunteer with them”

Even if we don’t have any specific volunteering roles open, you can express an interest in volunteering at Carers Leeds. Please fill in the enquiry form via the link below and we will get back in touch with you regarding your interest to volunteer at Carers Leeds.

Frequently asked questions

Yes of course! We welcome your knowledge and experience. We would try to find a volunteer role that fits around your caring responsibilities.

Yes. Carers interested in volunteering for Carers Leeds will be expected to wait a minimum of 12 months following a significant bereavement, before being considered as a volunteer.

No, travel expenses involved in volunteering will be reimbursed. For example, using your car to travel to your volunteering is currently reimbursed at 40p per mile.

This depends on the volunteer role you are applying for. There are some roles which do require a DBS check and some which do not. If you do require a DBS check, this is provided by Carers Leeds.

Yes, all volunteers have an induction to Carers Leeds and then specific training related to their role for example listening skills or how to support a carer.

Yes, if you are receiving certain benefits such as Job Seekers Allowance or Employment Support Allowance you are still allowed to volunteer. However, there are some rules that you need to be aware of to make sure that your volunteering doesn’t have an impact on the benefits you receive and you must notify your benefits adviser that you want to become a volunteer.

If your circumstances change, don’t feel you have to leave. Talk to your supervisor about your needs and we might be able to arrange for you to have a break from volunteering for a while. And we will be happy to welcome you back when you’re ready.

If you are not happy in your volunteer role talk to your supervisor about how you are feeling.  Your supervisor will explore how we can support you and/or what options are available if you are not happy.

All volunteers will be asked to complete a three-month trial period.  At the end of this time you can decide not to continue with the arrangement for whatever reason.

Carers Leeds supports unpaid carers:

Carers Advice Line: 0113 380 4300
Carers Advice Email: advice@carersleeds.org.uk