Carers Leeds Events Calendar


Online Carers Support Group

Online Leeds, United Kingdom

Are you a parent/friend or family member, and would you benefit from meeting with other carers in a similar situation?


Online Carers Support Group

Online Leeds, United Kingdom

Are you a parent/friend or family member, and would you benefit from meeting with other carers in a similar situation?

Andromeda Online

Online Leeds, United Kingdom

A Peer Support Group for family, friends and supporters of people with a personality disorder Our carers support group will

Studio 42 Photography Project

Online Leeds, United Kingdom

‘Studio 42’ is a new year-long digital photography project running from January to December 2022, open to all carers in


Young Dementia Carers Group

Online Leeds, United Kingdom

The Young Dementia Carers group is a friendly group for carers supporting someone Under the age of 65 with dementia.

Living with worry for carers

Online Leeds, United Kingdom

Part of the carer education and wellbeing project, this session includes top tips for carers on how to live with


Create Live – Creative Writing

Online Leeds, United Kingdom

Create Live! is Creates new project concept, developed in response to the coronavirus lockdown, delivering high quality, collaborative, engaging, interactive,